Brokeback Mountain

Movie, 2005, R

Premise - Two men take a summer job on Brokeback Mountain guarding sheep. Staying alone together for the entire summer, the men, Jack and Ennis, fall passionately in love, though neither of them admits to being queer. As they each move on with the rest of their heteronormative lives, getting married, and having kids, Jack and Ennis carry on a secret love affair as "fishing buddies" for decades.

Review - SO MANY TEARS. The level of emotional effect this film has on me is nearly unprecedented. To always cry, even on repeat viewing, is a very intense experience. But this film didn't cause the normal crying where I cry during the saddest part of the film, and then once the film is over, you wipe the tears off your face and proceed with your day. No, this is the kind of sadness that persists for at least 5 minutes after the film is over as your body just churns with aching tears. I even cried when I was half-watching this film while coloring.

The experience is so torturous that it makes it seem as though I would hate to put myself through it. But actually, I have mad respect for any film that can have this profound of an effect on me. I always give my props to tear-jerkers, and they include some of my favorite films (Titanic? Bridge to Terabithia?) What is so painful about this film in particular was the amount of raw frustration. Their love was not completely unrequited, but it still never had a chance to flourish. I don't think any "I love you's" were exchanged throughout the film, only implied. The film spans around 20 years so we as an audience only get small glimpses of the time they shared together, and I wanted to see more. Most frustrating of all was how there was never any closure. That just completely shatters me.

As a kid, this film was hilariously known as the "gay cowboy movie." That's also frustrating because it's such a sophisticated and beautiful film that it deserves none of the homophobic ridicule. Gay people existed every time, everywhere, in every culture. Even cowboys were gay. However, the time and setting are relevant for how homophobic their world was. Ennis and Jack could only be with each other when they were completely alone, up in the mountains with nobody watching. That's almost as frustrating as the lack of closure. (96/100)

Quote - "I wish I knew how to quit you" is the most famous line, but there are several timeless ones.

What to watch for - Jake Gyllenhaal's eyes? My goodness, Jake as Jack was incredible. I think he deserves more credit than Heath Ledger, though they were both great. Both men are technically bisexual, or perhaps beyond categorization, but it's clear that Jack leans more towards men, and Ennis more towards women. Therefore I found Jack to be more interesting because he's the one who was flirtatious from the beginning and initiates the sexual contact. What a brave and loving human being.

If you liked this movie, I recommend Call Me By Your Name!

Directed by Ang Lee
Distributed by Focus Features


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