Podcast, 2019, 6 episodes

Premise - A podcast on Black history in the United States ever since they were brought overseas to American land in 1619. Each episode focuses on an area of Black history that is often overshadowed or ignored, including entertainment, music, and healthcare. Hosted by a Black woman who also reflects on how learning this history has impacted her own experience.

Review - I debated whether this podcast would receive its own review, as I discovered it through a playlist curated by Emma Watson, "Our Shared Podcast," of which I will do a separate review when I finish. It is a vastly important resource with a wide variety of miscellaneous podcast episodes. However, this is a unique case in which the podcast is included in its entirety (all six episodes), within the playlist, as opposed to a one-off. Having completed the entire series, I think it is more than fair to address it as an entity of its own especially considering how I hold it in such high regard. This may have been my favorite podcast series of the playlist.

The strength of this podcast is how each episode is themed so cohesively, and the subjects are niche and specific enough that it's not just 6 episodes on the general history of slavery. It makes it much easier to retain the facts and take something away from it about slavery's tangible impact.

The music is also just so captivating and can always suck you back in if your attention wanders. Generally it is just very well audio-edited (92/100).

Quote - I have no quotes saved or easily available, but the two episodes I believe stuck out to me most were "Birth of American Music" and "How the Bad Blood Started" (the latter of which discusses healthcare).

What to listen for - My two favorite episodes are listed above. :)

If you liked this podcast, I'd recommend Seeing White!

Narrated by Nikole Hannah Jones
Produced by the New York Times


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