Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Movie, 2010, PG-13

Premise - Scott Pilgrim, a 22-year-old stuck dating a high-school aged girl, has his world turned around when he falls for a cool, hipster chick named Ramona Flowers. But in order to date her, he must defeat her seven evil exes, many of which also stand in his way of landing his band "The Sex Bob-ombs" a record deal.

Review - This movie is freakin’ awesome. When I watched this in theaters back in like, the eighth grade, I thought it was the most original, amazing film I had ever seen in my life. I would quote it to my friends all the time, and believe me, I knew just about ALL of the important quotes. The only reason it doesn’t currently make top five, or maybe even top ten favorite films of all time is that after seeing it several times, it grows stale. I had not seen this movie for several years before I rewatched it today, and I still remembered all of the jokes, so I just couldn’t laugh as much. Because the movie is so stylized, it’s exhausting to watch on repeat. But to watch every once in a while? Or to see it for the first time? Yeah, it’s freakin’ awesome. It takes inspirations from both video games and graphic novels, and not one frame of this movie is spared from an opportunity to push the boundaries of cinematic editing. Oh, and it’s a REALLY weird film, the kind of extreme weird that makes me feel proud, and most others feel uncomfortable. (98/100)

Quote - There are too many to choose just one, but I'm going to have to go with the classic:
"It's time to break out the L word." "Lesbians?" and its cousin quote, "I'm in lesbians with you."

What to watch for - My personal favorite evil exes are evil ex #1 and #3, because they are the most random. Also just listen for little quotes in the background that you might miss the first time around, because sometimes those are the funniest jokes.

If you liked this movie, I'd recommend Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!

Based on the graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Director: Edgar Wright
Distribution Company: Universal


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