Defending Jacob

TV Series (1 season), 2020, TV-MA

Premise - A 14-year-old boy is murdered in the woods adjacent to a nearby middle school. The lead investigator on the case, Andy Barber, is taken aback when he realizes that the prime suspect in the case is his own teenage son, Jacob. The two parents must reconcile how to defend their son's innocence of this horrible crime, while grappling with the possibility that he may have actually done it.

Review - Not gonna lie, I binge watched the entire first 7 episodes all in one day. I thought that was it, but when I reached the end of episode 7, it was clear that there was more to go. I had to wait a whole week for episode 8, the series finale, to come out, and I definitely would have NOT waited had I not been forced. At the end of every episode, there was a split second of "Should I keep going? YES." I was hooked! I needed to know what happened! Did Jacob do it? Who did? What role did Jacob play?

In real life trials, we never truly know what happened at the scene of a crime. We only do the best we can to piece things together given the evidence we have. The beauty of fiction is we are given answers; there's a big reveal of "whodunnit" and we see what's canon played out before our eyes. This TV series, however, operates like reality, in that (SPOILER) we never truly know who did it. We don't even know what happens to the characters next. And after hours upon hours with my eyes glued to the screen wondering whodunnit, I was a little let down (the original book, however, seems to imply that Jacob was, in fact, guilty). It is artistically important, however, that we don't know, because it puts us in the same mindset as the parents who are so torturously kept in the dark. Unless Jacob ever confesses, they will never know if he was a killer or not.

So much is called into question ethically about how the criminal justice system should operate in a case involving minors. Jacob, in the state of Massachusetts, was tried as an adult for murder in the first degree. I think(?) that can be as severe as the death penalty. I personally despise the idea of criminally charging children, handcuffing them, arresting them, and definitely am against trying them with the same level of punishments as adults. It's especially painful to watch Jacob go through this before we think he may be guilty. Once our suspicions are called into question, and this 14-year-old may have actually murdered another human being - it's still an ethical dilemma. How much consequence should he face? Throw him into adult prison, and that's damning him to a life of criminality. He walks free, and there's no justice for the victims. Even the mother, Laurie, seems to think the only fair ending is for HER OWN SON to die. How are all of these possible scenarios thought of before someone even seems to consider therapy/rehabilitation???

It's very hard for me to grapple with the likelihood that Jacob is guilty, because he is a sweet character. I do not know how he is portrayed in the book, but Jaeden Martell's interpretation of the character is very soft, very gentle, and VERY stupid-fourteen-year-old who makes stupid decisions. However, a darker, more sinister side of him is slowly revealed, culminating in him writing a violent story on a forum that features photos of cut up women. It's confirmed that, at the least, he is very disturbed, and at the most is a murderer. And that breaks my heart (and the parents') for wanting to believe the best in this seemingly good kid. I think the heart in me really just wanted the best for him regardless.

This series shook me so deep that last night, before I knew the finale was coming out, I had weirdly vivid dreams about whodunnit. You know a show has got you good when it invades your mind during sleep. (90/100)

Quote - "A child is dead, don't destroy another child's life to make up for it. That isn't justice, that's just another tragedy."

What to watch for - The cast is all-star, and is the whole reason I sought out the show! Chris Evans plays the father, Michelle Dockery (Mary in Downton Abbey) plays the mother, and Jaeden Martell (It, Knives Out), plays Jacob. And all three of the characters are given such life.

If you liked this TV show, I'd recommend Gone Girl!

Based on the book by William Landay
Adapted for television by Mark Bomback
Distributed by Apple TV+


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