The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals

Play (Musical), 2018

Premise - After a meteor crashes into the small island of Hatchetfield, a straight-shooter businessman who does NOT like musicals, realizes he has been trapped inside one. The meteor has released a spore that kills its hosts and takes over the body with super catchy musical numbers, and it's the worst kind of apocalypse that must be stopped!

Review - Oh, how I love Starkid. Starkid, especially the original cast/crew members, strike such a powerful nostalgia within me that is indescribable. The Very Potter Musical Trilogy was a huge part of my adolescence, but my love for Starkid did not stop there. I've seen nearly ever production, both parodies and original content (exceptions include Holy Musical B@tman because I've never seen Batman, and Trail to Oregon because I never played "Trail to Oregon").

This is an example of original content, and profoundly good original content at that. I realize now, having finished this, that the idea was so good the Starkid team took off and ran with it. Their next two musicals take place in the same universe. I'll be watching Black Friday, the second Hatchetfield installment, in preparation for whenever the third installment hits YouTube. Out of every Starkid original musical thus far, they have all been one-offs apart from this!

This was so good. SO good. I put off watching it for a while because I was quite disappointed with Firebringer. But the songs in this one are SO FREAKIN' CATCHY. And the whole concept is just profoundly funny - musicals are quite creepy when you think about it. Something really takes over your body - there's gotta be some type of hive mind for everybody to move in sync like that. And especially if you're not a fan of musical theater, like our protagonist Paul, this would be a nightmare.

Of course the punchline here is that everybody on Team Starkid freakin' loves musicals. So they are making fun of the whole culture of something they love so much. It's the same energy when Disney was parodied in Twisted, or Harry Potter in the Very Potter Musical Trilogy. They're making fun of something in the most loving way possible.

I should note that, after only one watch, I've had a lot of the songs stuck in my head. They are that catchy. But that's the point, they're so catchy they are infectious! (92/100)

Quote - "La di da da, La di da da, La di da da DAY!"

What to watch for - It's interesting in this particular play that they use a very limited amount of cast members. There are maybe like nine actors throughout the whole thing that play every minor character and extra as well. So I got quite attached to these actors, many of which are old-time Starkid favorites, and some of which were new. The protagonist, Paul, was played by a brand new Starkid member I've never seen before, but he was very talented.

If you liked this musical, I'd recommend ALL the Starkid productions! It's cliche, but I gotta plug the A Very Potter Musical Trilogy again.

Created by Nick and Matt Lang (Starkid Productions)
Music by Jeff Blim
Posted onto YouTube


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