Sins Invalid: An Unshamed Claim to Beauty


Short Film (Documentary) about a theater performance, 2013, Unrated(?) 
Premise - A short documentary on the disability justice theater project "Sins Invalid" that first formed in 2005. "Sins Invalid" showcases disabled, queer, performers of color in a highly sexualized manner to confront the typical asexuality and/or disgust associated with diverse bodies. Performers are seen as sexual not in spite of their disability, but because of it. Disabled or disformed limbs and mobility devices are also sexualized. This is all done with the context, too, of possible beauty and romance.

Review - Another documentary I watched for grad school (a different class this time though)! This was an interesting experience because we watched it together as a class instead of for an assignment, so I got to hear other student's reactions in real time. And truly, there was a LOT of emotion in the room (I say "room" metaphorically because this was of course over Zoom). Students were in tears, tight-chested, and generally very moved. I cannot say I was moved to tears, though it was a visceral experience. How can it not be when presented in such a sexual framework? Other students talked about how when you're so sexual, THAT as primal humans is the first thing we see and fixate on, NOT the disability. 
I thought it was beautifully done. Cannot deny I had a few moments here and there of discomfort of like... "Oh, that's... weird..." which I tried to combat. Objectively, there was some strange stuff. I noticed that discomfort coming up more often in reaction to some of the women, perhaps either because (a) society has a more specific idea of how a sexualized woman looks, or (b) I'm not sexually/romantically attracted to women myself. 
I made the comment to the class that it must have been such a different experience if witnessed in person. I think "Sins Invalid" in some form is still going (not counting the effects of COVID)? It's a theater performance that's all about bodies - it has to feel different when you are sitting in a room among so many other bodies, seeing a body move in front of your physical space. (91/100)

Quote - I do not recall specific quotes, though I know there was a great quote about seeing a cane as sexy.

What to watch for - The dancing deaf guy! It was in reactance to people telling him that he could not dance because he could not listen to music. But oh boy, he can move his body in a provocative way.

If you liked this film, I'd recommend The Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Directed by Patricia Berne
Independent film funded by Kickstarter


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