Dead Poets Society

Movie, 1989, PG

Premise - A new teacher starts a uniquely creative class in a conservative all-boys boarding school. Encouraging free thinking and artistic endeavors, the teacher showcases the value of poetry outside of its technical qualities. Inspired by his way of life, the students revive the Dead Poets Society where boys meet together in secret to share their own poetry, smoke, and enjoy life.

Review – I’m biased to love movies like this just because of the message they convey. Dead Poets Society is a film that explores just why the arts are so important. I’m so passionate about the art of storytelling that I run a blog like this just for fun!!! Of course I love the arts!!! Film and television are my life passions! In this particular film, the art form is poetry, but the indescribable sensation of passion is applicable to any art form. It’s also a film about the pitfalls of logic. You can’t ascribe a formula to a poem; its merit can only be felt. But why does art make us so passionate? It’s romanticized expression – key word here being “romanticized.” As much as the arts are a way of communicating about life, there is just enough disconnect from reality that creates a heightened sense of beauty. I believe that's the true meaning behind the infamous "too woo women" line about poetry.
It seems second nature to approve of Professor Keating’s methods. However, where he loses his opponents is this idea of the arts and practical careers aren’t mutually exclusive. He wasn’t encouraging all of his students to drop out of school and join the circus, he just wanted them to expand their minds. If that expansion leads to them to a career in the arts, so be it. If not, you at least have the arts as a hobby to enjoy. The parents who saw this as detrimental to their children’s well-beings thought that by even being exposed to the arts, one is sacrificing their future, instead of bettering it. The character we see this with the most is Neal, who after Professor Keating’s class, decides he wants to become an actor. Professor Keating encourages this dream, while his parents deny him, until the student ends up killing himself. The poor kid would not have been put through as much distress if his parents saw that, first, exploring acting options does not prohibit him from one day becoming a doctor. Second, not becoming a doctor wouldn’t end his future. A life worth living is the life you want. (84/100)

Quote - "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." - Basically my life motto

What to watch for - This is one of Robin Williams' most famous performances, as the role of Professor John Keating.

If you liked this movie, I'd recommend Kill Your Darlings!

Director: Peter Weir
Distribution Company: Buena Vista Pictures



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