Home Alone


Movie, 1990, PG
Premise - An 8-year-old kid who wishes for his family to disappear wakes up to realize they accidentally left him behind on their Christmas vacation to Paris. With the house to himself, he can finally have the freedom he thought he wanted. Freedom becomes dangerous when his house becomes a target of burglars who know the kid is home alone defenseless.
Review - This is definitely up there in my top Christmas movies of all time, if not my favorite. Top three at least. It's one that I was raised watching (and, I realize as I write this, one that was made years before I was even born). So even though it had been many years since I had last seen the movie, so much of the dialogue, music, and imagery is locked into a deep, subconscious part of my memory.
It's a very comforting movie to watch for that reason. Though, admittedly, it relies on a lot of dark, physical humor involving violence that is a bit tough to swallow when you think about it realistically and not as a cartoonish children's film. Being smacked in the face with an iron?? Stepping on a nail?? I felt their pain way more than I wanted to.
The plot is incredibly solid and holds up to this day, even though it would not be replicable in 2020 (Kevin would most definitely have cell phone access). Kevin as a character will always be lovable and resourceful beyond his years. I love movies about kids. (93/100)

Quote - Keep the change, ya filthy animal
What to watch for - Macaulay Culkin as a young actor truly had SO much charisma. Just watching for his performance alone makes the film already.
If you liked this movie, I'd recommend The Santa Clause!
Directed by Chris Columbus
Distributed by 20th Century Fox


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