TV Series, 10 seasons, 1994-2004

Premise - In perhaps the most iconic sit-com of all time, six friends living in New York face the uncomfortable struggles of adulthood, including jobs, dating, sex, marriage, divorce, roommates, babies, rent, and the need to drink lots and lots of coffee. In this life period between moving away from one's parents and becoming parents themselves, their friends become their family.

Review - This show first began airing before I was born. By the time it had finished, I was in the... third grade maybe? Of course, my parents watched this show constantly, so it was always on the television. As a baby, I must have subliminally been picking up on this show. Definitely as a young child, the characters had already become part of my vocabulary. I don't think I had a grasp of the different characterizations and personalities for years to come, just that there were 3 funny girls and 3 funny guys, each of whom I could identify in a heartbeat. I was conditioned to love this show before I knew what television was.

And to this day, at our house, Friends is on our television almost constantly. Whether it's from Netflix, TBS re-runs, or our complete blu-ray collection, Friends is always on in the background of our everyday lives. For my whole life. And it never gets old to me. Jokes I've heard a million times over still make me laugh. Their kisses still make me swoon. I honestly believe Friends to contain some of the best comedic writing and acting in history.

At home, we just would watch whatever episode was on. It took me this long into my life to actually watch every Friends episode in consecutive order. Now what? Time to start over from season one I guess! (99/100)

Quote - "Paper! Snow! A GHOST!!!!"

What to watch for - Ross and Rachel are one of the most well known TV ships of all time. Classic will-they-won't-they.

If you liked this series, I'd recommend New Girl!

Created by David Krane and Marta Kauffman
Network: NBC
Distributed by Warner Bros.


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